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My top 5 favourite Natural Hair YouTubers you should follow.

Written By Fadeke Banjo. Sharing my Top 5 favourite black female Natural Hair YouTubers.

Hey, curl friends, Fadeke here. In today’s blog, I will be telling you my top 5 favourite natural hair YouTubers you should follow. When I first started my natural hair journey, I was completely clueless about taking care of my naturally curly and afro-textured hair. So, like most curly head girls, I sought out YouTube as my guide to taking care of my natural hair. I came across several black natural hair YouTubers who helped me with my hair care needs and inspired me to embrace my natural hair. I finally saw the representation I needed to see, having women who looked like me embracing their natural beauty hair in all its glory. With this being said, let us get into my top 5 favourite black natural hair YouTubers.

1) Naptural85 – Whitney White

Gif of Whitney White A.K.A Naptural85 by her YouTube Subscribers.

First up, Naptural85, a channel run by the beautiful Whitney White from the USA, who has many hats she wears, including being a graphic designer, blogger, vlogger, entrepreneur with her own natural hair care line called ‘Melanin Haircare’, natural hair enthusiastic and a mother of two. Her YouTube channel currently has over 1.22 million subscribers.

Whitney rocking a wash & go natural hair-hairstyle, photo taken from @naptural85 instagram account (posted: 14/01/21)

Naptural85 was one of the first black natural hair YouTubers I came across. She is considered one of the OG’s within the online black natural hair community on YouTube. She created her YouTube channel back in 2008, with her first video documenting her natural hair journey, which she uploaded in 2009, and the video currently has 8.9K likes and 756,6668 views. Whitney’s YouTube channel mainly consists of videos on natural hair related content from haircare videos, DIY videos on homemade hair masks and natural hair products, as well as natural hair hairstyle videos. A few things I love most about her YouTube channel is her fun and bubbly personality. She has become almost like an older sister, mentor, and inspiration over the years, and I love watching her DIY hair product recipe videos and natural hairstyle styling videos.

A gif of Whitney A.K.A Naptural85, this is from one of her hairstyling videos from her YouTube channel.

For those who have followed her YouTube channel over the years (she has now had her YouTube channel for 13 years!!), not only have we seen her beautiful hair grow. We have also seen the incredible woman she is becoming. One mail stone of Whitney was seeing her create her own natural hair product line, ‘ Melanin haircare’. I first heard about this news on her Instagram page. I was so happy for her, especially when I have seen her create her own DIY hair products recipes on her channel over the years. Now subscribers of her channel can finally have access to her very own affordable, good quality natural hair products that seem to be having some great reviews according to the reviews shown under each product on the Melanin haircare website. Whitney, the inspiration behind starting her natural hair product brand was due to her being inspired by her own DIY hair products videos and the request/feedback she had received from her online community. She launched Melanin haircare in 2015 with her sister, and it is a black-owned and family-owned brand (Melaninhairecare, n/a).

This first photo of Whitney was taken from her Instagram account @naptural85 & the 2nd photo was taken from the 'Melanin Haircare' website.

So, if Whitney White A.K.A Naptural85 seems like your type of vibe. I would highly recommend that you check out her YouTube channel and subscribe. Also, if you want to support a black-owned female lead, family-run- business, then definitely check out her natural hair care brand ‘Melanin haircare’ for your natural hair needs, from good quality and affordable natural hair products such as their black soap shampoo to some natural hair-friendly accessories such as their Melanin satin-lined ‘Stretch logo visor’ cap or their light-weight and the ‘Melanin textured stretch satin head wraps’ which are in a range of colours that you can wear to jazz up your natural hairstyles.

Here is a link to Whitney's YouTube channel, Naptural85- (Accessed: 15th July 2021)


Photo credit: @GreenBeauty (instagram account) (posted: 11th January 2021)

Have you ever wondered about the science behind black natural hair and natural hair treatments and methods? If so, 'GreenBeauty' is the YouTube channel for you. The USA-based YouTube channel was created in 2012 and currently has around 361k subscribers. Her videos are very educational and range from topics to do with herbal benefits, recipes to haircare techniques for natural hair and regimens. One thing I love about the Green Beauty’s channel is how she incorporates 3D animation in her videos, which helps aid with understanding the information she is providing by having visual representations such as showing an up-close view of how naturally curly hair strands look if you were going to look at it under a microscope but in an animation style as well as having an animated black lady with curly hair who acts as a visual aid in her videos, especially when it comes to demonstrating things. There is a lot of effort and research into Green Beauty’s videos that you will come to appreciate, especially if you want to try to take better care of your natural hair and perhaps need that nudge and guidance to make those next steps.

One of the videos I like from the GreenBeauty YouTube channel is ironically is not a natural hair related video. The video is called ‘What a Relaxer is Really Doing to Your Hair (A Must watch).

GreenBeauty (2013) –‘ What a Relaxer is Really Doing to Your Hair (A Must Watch)’.

GreenBeauty (2013) –‘ What a Relaxer is Really Doing to Your Hair (A Must Watch)’. 21 March. Available at: (Accessed: 27th June 2021)

In this video, GreenBeauty shows the negative side effects and long-term damage that relaxers have on black women’s hair and provides a brief history on relaxers and some myths behind relaxers. GreenBeauty also does a somewhat science experiment using a relaxer. She places an old hair strand from her natural hair into a relaxer and lets it sit in for 8 hours, and to my surprise and the rest of the viewers’ surprise, the relaxer burnt through her hair strand.

A relaxer is a product that chemically straightens someone’s hair. It has been commonly used within the black community for many years, particularly among black women and young black girls (I, too, was part of this group). However, a good number of black women have over the years turned away from using this product and have started to embrace their naturally curly hair. This video was both educational as well as thought-provoking. I would definitely recommend you watch it when you have the chance.

Like Naptural85, Greenbeauty also has her own All-natural hair product line, which you can purchase from her website. The GreenBeauty haircare brand includes a range of natural hair products, including a hair protein treatment and a herbal hot oil treatment.

If you are looking for an informative guide to taking care of your natural hair and how to start a regimen that will enable you to have healthy and strong hair, then GreenBeauty might be the channel for you. Make sure to check out the GreenBeauty YouTube channel and subscribe and check out the online shop to try out the natural hair products.

Link to GreenBeauty YouTube channel- GreenBeauty. Available at: (Accessed: 27th June 2021)

Link to GreenBeauty’s Natural hair care line/brand – GreenBeauty. Available at: (Accessed:27th June 2021)


Photo credit: @mynaturalsistas (Instagram account), Photo uploaded 25/06/18

Next up on the list is the wholesome channel called ‘My Natural Sistas’, run by three beautiful sisters from the USA, India Shauntae (the oldest), Carmen and Toni Michelle (the youngest). The three-sister trio started the channel back in 2009. The channel currently has 684k subscribers. The sisters also have their individual YouTube channels. The sister’s joint YouTube channel videos consist of Natural hair care and styling related videos, makeup looks videos, health videos and fashion videos. In addition, the sisters also give their subscribers a little insight into their personal lives, including sharing both India’s wedding and Carmen’s wedding. Along with sharing India and Carmen’s pregnancies and sharing videos with their extended family.

A gif of India, one of the sisters/founders of the My Natural Sistas YouTube Channel.

There are several reasons as to why I love this family ordinated and sisterhood YouTube channel, one reason being that I admire the close-knitted bond between all three sisters; you can tell that it’s genuine as you watch them do videos together, they also have their own individual unique personalities. As someone new to the whole natural hair journey and community, it was nice to see a positive representation of sisterhood within the online natural hair community and seeing women who looked like me embracing their naturally curly hair with various textures. Another reason I love this YouTube channel is how they showcase the diversity of natural hair. For instance, Carmen has for some time been rocking a short tapered curly hairstyle. She has a playlist on the Natural Sistas YouTube channel, where she shows different ways to style short natural hair.

Another reason I love about this YouTube channel is the sisters' 'Transformation videos'. The sisters try to create looks for Halloween in these videos whilst trying to incorporate their natural hair. Two of my favourite looks from this series was their ‘The Wiz, (Wizard of Oz) inspired video where they all dressed up into the main characters from Wizard of Oz and were rocking their naturally curly hair and the second video was a TLC inspired Halloween to look, where the sisters attempted to dress up as the iconic 90’s group TLC.

View the two videos below:

My Natural Sistas (2015) – ‘The WIZ- Scarecrow, Dorothy & Tin Man- Natural Hair Halloween Tutorial’.

My Natural Sistas (2015) – ‘The WIZ- Scarecrow, Dorothy & Tin Man- Natural Hair Halloween Tutorial’. 21 October. Available at: (Accessed: 28th June 2021)

My Natural Sistas (2013) –‘TLC Crazy Sexy Cool Tutorial’

My Natural Sistas (2013) –‘TLC Crazy Sexy Cool Tutorial’. 31 October. Available at: (Accessed: 28th June 2021)

Suppose you are looking for natural hair inspiration and advice, and something that is family ordinated. In that case, My Natural Sistas is the channel for you. My Natural Sistas will definitely become your favourite online sisters to watch on YouTube, be sure to check them out:

Here is a link to the My Natural Sistas (YouTube channel)

(Accessed: 28th June 2021).

Here is a link to the sister's separate YouTube channels you can also subscribe to:

India's YouTube channel - (Accessed: 15th July 2021)

Carmen's YouTube channel- Lynnette's Silhouettes: (Accessed: 15th July 2021)

Toni's YouTube channel- Toni Mitchell-


Lalia rocking a cute natural hairstyle, Photo taken from Lalia's instagram account @neffyfrofro (posted on: 12th January 2021)

FusionofCultures is a YouTube channel run by the lovely Laila Washington, Ghana-born, part-time inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, and natural hair enthusiast from the UK. Laila started her YouTube channel in 2009 and currently has 329K subscribers. I came across Laila’s YouTube channel earlier on during the earlier stages of my natural hair journey. She was one of the few UK natural hair YouTubers and influencers I came across on YouTube at the time, and I have enjoyed her content over the years.

Gif of Laila during her earlier years on YouTube. (Gif is taken from Kinks-N-curls@tumblr)

Laila videos consist of natural hair care and styling videos to travel videos, inspirational talk videos where she occasionally brings some guests on her channel to interview and discuss different topics, to more personal lifestyle videos, including vlogs. One of my favourite videos from Laila is her length check videos. Laila has been documenting her natural hair journey over the years on her YouTube channel, including showing how long her beautiful hair has grown over the years.

Moreover, as previously stated, Laila is an entrepreneur and has her own black-owned, plant-based natural skincare brand called ‘Wildseedbotanicals’.

Suppose you are also from the UK and are looking for some UK-based black natural hair YouTubers to watch, then Laila Washington A.K.A fusion of cultures is your girl. You should definitely check out her YouTube channel and subscribe. Also, if you would like to support a black-owned business, be sure to check out Laila natural skincare brand ‘Wildseedbotanicals.

Link to Laila’s YouTube channel – Laila Washington-FusionofCultures - (Accessed: 15th July 2021)

Here is a video to one of Laila's hair length check videos:

Also, check out Laila's skin-care brand:

Wildseedbotanicals - (Accessed: 15th July 2021).

Wildseedbotanicals' Instagram page: @wildseedbotanicals


Rachel rocking her natural hair in a stretched Afro. Photo taken from Rachel's Business account @thenaturalhairtoolkit. Posted: (7 days ago)

Last but not least on this list is the YouTube channel ‘Rae talks’, which is run by the lovely and hilarious Rachel, I would admit I might be a bit bias about this YouTube channel since she is a real-life close friend of mine, so this is definitely a mini-shout out to her (Rachel if you are reading this hey). Rachel is a British-Nigerian and half Ghanaian. That lives in the UK. She started the ‘Rae Talks’ YouTube channel back in 2012; however, she has been most consistent in recent years, the channel currently has 1.14K.

Her video mostly consists of natural hair-related content, modesty fashion-related videos, and occasionally videos on her Christian faith. If you want honest, straight to the point, no-sugar coating product reviews on the latest natural hair products ‘Rae talks, YouTube channel’ is the place to be. I find her product review videos both informative, honest, and funny. Rachel also has her own small business called ‘TheNaturalhairtoolkit’, where she sells affordable hair tools to help people with naturally curly and coily hair and satin-lined hair bonnets and hair accessories along with PDF natural haircare guides.

Link to Rachel’s YouTube channel Rae Talks. Available at: (Accessed:27th June 2021)

Link to Rachel’s black-owned small business – The Natural Hair Tool Kit - (Accessed: 27th June 2021)

Whether you are a beginner to the natural hair community or love all things to do with black natural hair, then make sure to check out these natural hair YouTubers. So who are your favourite Black natural hair YouTubers you love to watch? I would love to add to my list, comment down below or share your thoughts on Twitter with the hashtags #favouritenaturalhairyoutubers #mynaturalcrownandiblog, be sure to tag me at @mynaturalcrownandi.

Check out this blog post from ‘Into the gloss’ written by Chole Hall, 8 Natural Hair Youtubers You’re Going To want to follow’. I was inspired by these blog posts when writing this blog post on my favourite natural hair YouTubers. This blog post from Chole also includes some other great natural hair YouTubers to follow, including a couple mentioned in my blog post.

If you enjoyed reading this blog post, make sure to check out my other blog post on the blog. Like, comment and share this blog post with at least one curl friend. Also, make sure to subscribe to this blog, so you are notified of future blog posts.

Love from your fellow curl friend and mentor, Fadeke. See you soon!


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